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Does Video Marketing Actually Work?

If you spend any time investigating marketing strategies, you have no doubt come across bloggers and marketers touting video marketing as the way to go these days. Perhaps you’re still skeptical about whether it actually works. Is the investment worth it? Yes, as long as you use high-quality and well-scripted material. If you want content that sells, you should enlist a Chicago video services company to ensure you end up with a professional product.

Why You Should Use Chicago Video Services 

Video is a great way to pull your audience into a story. Visual media is powerful because viewers feel like they are part of the action. The message is personal. When you use engaging content, your target audience experiences your brand firsthand. This is the key to effective video marketing. It works when it conveys your message in a manner that is relevant, relatable and informative.

Why Video Marketing Works

There are a few reasons video marketing has really caught on these days. People like watching visual content. They are more likely to watch an entire video — when it’s done well — than read through a long article. This forms the basis for why this approach is often so successful.

Social Media Provides Exposure

The internet and social media provide several effective outlets where it is possible to get a lot of exposure for relatively little cost. The number of people who use social media continues to rise. In 2019, 72% of Americans used at least one social media platform. While you can choose to go the route of paid advertising within each platform, posting on your own account is often quite effective. Either way, a professional Chicago video services company produces videos that encourage viewers to engage.

People Share Videos

In addition to posting on social media, you can also use video content on your own website. Inserting this marketing format on a landing page significantly increases conversion rates. When viewers like a video, they are likely to share it across their social media platforms, regardless of where they see it first. This is free advertising for you. It puts your brand in front of more people without more effort on your part.

Search Engine Algorithms Favor Video Content

Search engine algorithms are designed to pick up on content that users like. A good indicator of user preference is how many people click and stay on a site. Video content attracts more people and engages them for longer than other formats. A good video marketing strategy keeps your potentials and customers on your site, and search engines will notice. With the right Chicago video services, your videos can improve your ranking and drive more business to your brand. 

MatchPoint Studio Provides Chicago Video Services for Your Brand

MatchPoint Studio knows how to produce video products that engage your target audience, whether you are a business-to-consumer or business-to-business brand. We help you tell your story using the right video to meet your needs. Tell us about your project, and we’ll let you know what we can do for you.