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Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Corporate Video Production Everything You Need to Know About Corporate Video Production

Did you know that 83% of marketers believe video marketing is crucial for reaching new audiences? Video production is also key for engaging existing audiences, keeping them informed and entertained.

As a business owner, you might feel unsure about how to present your company effectively through video, especially if you offer a service rather than a product. It can also be challenging if employees feel uncomfortable being on camera. The good news is many companies have faced and overcome these challenges, paving the way with solutions that you can apply to your business to create compelling videos that attract, engage, and convert viewers.

Corporate Video Production

People Are Reading Less

Content remains king, but the preferred format has shifted. A Hubspot survey found that 54% of consumers rank videos as the top form of content they want to see from brands, followed by 34% who prefer social videos. In comparison, only 18% wanted more articles. This trend aligns with declining readership rates across all forms of written content, from books to newspapers.

Types of Videos for Your Business

Videos come in various forms, and categorizing them by purpose can help you stay on track. Here are some popular types:

  • Tutorial or How-To Videos: Show your audience how to use your products or services.
  • Advertising or Branding Videos: Highlight your brand’s unique value and personality.
  • Expert Interview Videos: Share insights from industry experts.
  • Personalized Messages: Connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Customer Testimonial Videos: Showcase satisfied customers and their success stories.
  • Event Videos: Capture the excitement and key moments of your events.

Every Brand Has a Story

Every company has a story worth sharing, whether it’s the journey to market, the values and missions behind the business, or how your products and services empower customers. What inspires you? How does your product solve problems? Sharing your story can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Video Marketing Requires a Plan

Video marketing involves many moving parts, from writing and shooting to editing and publishing. A solid plan helps keep track of these components and ensures your efforts are aligned with your marketing strategy.

Integrate Video into Your Marketing Plan

Corporate video production should be part of a larger marketing plan. Allocating resources—time, labor, and money—effectively is crucial. Adding video to your plan requires addressing these complexities to ensure a seamless integration.

Design the Video

Planning your video involves several design elements:

  • What will your video look like?
  • Who will be on camera and behind it?
  • Will you include music? If so, where will you source it?
  • How long will the video be, and where will you post it?
  • Will different publishing points need unique calls to action?
  • Is the content evergreen?

Get the Right Equipment

Many companies start with smartphones for video marketing, which can produce eye-catching videos. However, professional cinematography typically requires a high-quality camera and possibly hiring professionals to operate it. Evaluate your budget and the final product you envision to make the best decision.

Choosing Your Talent

Your talent doesn’t have to be professional actors. Employees who volunteer to showcase their work processes can be just as effective. If employees are unwilling, consider hiring actors or using computer graphics to animate your products.

Plan Your Editing Process

High-quality raw footage enhances the final product, but excellent editing can make even smartphone videos shine. The editor’s skills are crucial to producing a polished, professional video.

Working With Professionals 

While some small business owners can create impressive videos on their own, it’s a time-consuming process. If your time is better spent on other business operations, consider hiring professionals with the necessary skills and tools.

MatchPoint Studio: Your Partner in Video Production

You’re an expert in your field, and so are we. MatchPoint Studio specializes in creating engaging, professional videos tailored to your needs. Let us handle your video production so you can focus on what you do best. Ready to take your video marketing to the next level? If you’d like to take your video from zero to 100 quickly, start a project with us today.