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Find the Right Chicago Video Production Company To Realize Your Creative Vision

Video is a powerful tool to supplement your marketing plan and define your organization’s identity and voice. Choosing a high-quality video production company is essential to ensure your customers or stakeholders appreciate and engage with your efforts. Not all Chicago production companies are the same, so it’s crucial to do your research to find the perfect match. These tips will help you locate the best video production company for your project.

Set a Budget 

Before searching for a production company, set a budget for your project. Professionally shot videos can range from a little over a thousand dollars to much more, depending on the quality and complexity. Determine your overall marketing budget and allocate a portion for video production. Simpler videos without special effects or location shoots will cost less than grand productions with multiple components.

Define Your Company’s Goals 

Before moving forward, define the goals of your video project. Company leaders must agree on the purpose. A clear objective allows a marketing company to produce better results. For consumer goods or services, focus on marketing a specific product or service or showcasing a particular aspect of your organization, rather than just aiming to increase business.

Check Out the Work of Each Contender  

With a clear idea of what you want, start looking for Chicago production companies. Request links to their portfolios or reels. Review their previous work, especially creative ventures for similar businesses. If you like what you see, continue the conversation. If a company declines to provide a portfolio, it may lack the experience or capabilities for your project.

Compare to Other Chicago Production Companies

Chicago is home to many talented video production companies. Compare the ones you’re considering to others in the area. Note what makes each unique and the exceptional characteristics of their work. This will help you identify the best fit for your needs.

Understand the Project Management Process

Evaluate not only the creative output but also the project management process of each company. A viral video is great, but the production process must be cohesive and logical. Look for agencies that assign a dedicated project manager to each client. This person should be your point of contact throughout the production. Ask to speak with the potential project manager and request references to gauge the customer experience.

Solicit Input About Marketing Approaches 

Learn about the company’s marketing philosophy and how it approaches video projects. Investigate their history of producing viral videos and their experience with social media. Review their own promotional campaigns and social media strategies to see if they are effective and engaging.

Evaluate Professionalism 

Assess the professionalism of the companies during your interactions. Note how quickly they respond to your inquiries and the friendliness of their staff. Check online reviews and ask around in your industry to understand each company’s reputation before making a decision.

Research Qualifications

Finally, review the qualifications of the production company’s staff. A quality company should have a talented team for every part of the process. Look for experienced directors, producers, camera operators, and editors. Ensure they have administrative support for planning and project management. Check if they partner with casting agencies for any acting needs. A capable in-house editing studio is also essential for post-production duties.

If you’re ready to start your project with one of the top Chicago production companies, MatchPoint Studio is here to help. We specialize in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals with high-quality video productions. Contact us today to let us take on your next creative video project.