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You want to attract top talent to your police department, right? Well, you can count on the fact that other police departments are trying to do the same thing. In a time when there is limited talent to go around, it can be hard to find enough law enforcement officers to help you meet your community’s needs. If you want to build a highly capable and reliable team, you need to help your department stand out and generate interest. One great way to meet your goal is by creating a police recruitment video. Here’s how to create a video that will aid you in your recruitment efforts.

Make Your Police Recruitment Video Different

If there is a police department near you that is very good at recruiting officers, take a look at what they’re doing right. Keep in mind, it’s OK to get inspiration from another department’s recruitment videos, but be sure to put your own spin on things when you create your own.

Copycatting another department isn’t a great idea because it won’t make you unique in any way. However, checking out another department’s efforts can help you come up with your own police recruitment video that is original and interesting enough to stand out.

Describe the Pros of Your Department

What sets your police department apart from others? Do you offer any special incentives or rewards to your recruits? Is your department located in a great town with friendly residents? Think of all the things that make your department and location desirable and include them in your video. Remember, you’re trying to convince recruits to choose your department over others. In essence, you’re making a sales video depicting all the reasons why someone should choose your department over a neighboring one.

Be Humorous

Policing can be a stressful job, which is why humor is so important in the industry. While you want to make sure any recruits know they need to be respectful and professional, you can also showcase the funny and easygoing side of your department in your police recruitment video. If you aren’t sure how to create a funny video script, don’t worry! There are professionals, such as MatchPoint Studio, who specialize in this sort of thing. We can create recruitment videos that feature the tone and personality you want.

Decide Where You’ll Post Your Video

Creating a great recruitment video is only part of the process. You also need to think about how you’ll market your video and get it in front of the right people. It’s best to use a variety of platforms, including social media platforms, websites and email marketing lists. That way you can ensure your video is seen by the highest number of people.

If you need help marketing your video, we’d love to chat with you about recommended options. We want to make sure the high-quality video we create for you gets in front of your target audience so you can recruit the best police officers to your department.

Order Your Police Recruitment Video

Are you ready to order your police recruitment video? Reach out to us today and we’ll help you get started on your project.

