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Harness the Power of Video Marketing for Your Company

According to research conducted by Sprout Social, over 3.6 billion people are active on social media, and Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are three of their favorite places to visit. Once upon a time, your customers and followers were satisfied seeing photos on your social media posts. Today, video is the content king and entices a person to click on your post to watch one. Here are ways you can harness the power of video marketing for your company.

Video Production Companies

Post Your Videos Where Your Target Audience Hangs Out

Your target audience probably hangs out on one of these most popular social media platforms. Focus your marketing efforts on just one, or spread out the budget with owned media and paid ads on all three. Be sure to use professional high-quality video that contains interesting content that entertains, educates or informs your viewers about topics that interest them.

Use the Power of Video Marketing To Increase Brand Awareness

The biggest marketing boost video gives your company is increasing awareness of your brand with the public. This is your company’s opportunity to build a relationship with your current and future customers and tell them what makes your business stand apart from the competition.


Facebook gives you lots of options for your digital media. Beyond just adding video posts to your company’s Facebook page, you can also push them to Facebook Stories, where they will be highlighted for 24 hours. Use the featured video section of your Facebook business page to keep your media visible and easily accessible to your followers.

Facebook is an excellent place to attract new customers and build deeper relationships with current ones. You can encourage interaction by inviting followers to post photos or videos of them using your company’s products.


YouTube statistics show viewers watch over a billion hours of YouTube videos every day, and the platform boasts over 2 billion subscribers. Creating a channel for your company and populating it with interesting videos allows your business to reach new customers. It also allows your customers access to your entire video library.

Use this platform to showcase a new product’s features or show how to use it. You can also highlight events or go behind the scenes and showcase some of your employees.


Instagram has always been the place for visual media. Research done by Instagram reveals that 90% of users follow at least one business and 50% get curious about a company when they see it advertised on this platform. Create a page for your company here and take advantage of Instagram Stories to feature some of your best videos. Like Facebook, Instagram is a great place to gain new customers and build relationships with your followers.

Boost your company’s marketing efforts by harnessing the power of video marketing and creating a presence for your business on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Populate these platforms with interesting video content to keep your followers coming back for more.

MatchPoint Studio Knows the Power of Video Marketing

At MatchPoint Studio, we know how to create videos to make your company stand out on social media. With 30 years of production experience, we have the expertise to make great video content for your marketing needs. Contact us today to utilize the power of video marketing.