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How Specialty Providers Can Benefit From a Video Marketing Company

Grabbing your customers’ attention and turning them into loyal followers are fundamental to successful marketing, and video marketing is one of the most effective methods for expanding your audience and promoting your services. Traditional tactics such as printed ads in publications, radio spots and mail ads are no longer as relevant as digital marketing. As a specialty provider, examine the numerous benefits of using a video marketing company to understand how it can increase your customer base and improve your company’s online visibility.

Why Has Video Marketing Become So Prolific?

With modern improvements in picture resolution, sound quality and accessibility, video ads can reach a massive audience. Consumers are increasingly focused on visual media and more likely to remember a video ad than a printed ad, blog or brief article. Social media platforms have accelerated video marketing by allowing users to share videos with others.

Why Should You Use a Video Marketing Company Over Traditional Advertising Firms?

Digital technology has revolutionized marketing and disrupted printed advertisements. In nearly every corner of the country, newspaper offices, magazine publishers and libraries are closing their doors. Instead, consumers of all ages rely on digital devices for their news, expert advice, entertainment and purchases. Although blogs and content pieces are helpful for online advertising and promoting, videos have become the dominant form of digital marketing.

Video Marketing Company Versus Television Advertiser

While television advertising continues to be an excellent technique for reaching consumers, video marketing has several advantages over television ads:

  • Mobility: You can view video ads on a connected device at any time of day. TV commercials can only be seen at specific times.
  • Cost: Video marketing is less expensive than placing ads on television. TV ads can range from several thousand to several million dollars. Running a commercial during prime-time viewing hours requires a significant marketing budget.
  • Content freedom: A video marketing company has more leeway in content creation. Television marketers have to follow strict guidelines for appropriate content.
  • Viral sharing: Over 90% of consumers who view video ads share them with others. Unless the same ad appears online, television promotions are more challenging to share.
  • SEO boosting: Consumers who view your videos are more likely to visit your company’s website and improve your online traffic. A commercial can persuade customers to view your business online, but online videos provide a quicker connection to your site because the user is already online.

Customizing Your Story

Working with a video marketing company allows you to promote your services with your unique storytelling and voice. For instance, the colors and design of your company logo can be incorporated into an introductory video to help clients identify your business and recognize your talent.

Producing multiple videos can help you target several demographic groups and keep your audience engaged with updates and company news. You’re not limited to one type of video but can choose from a variety of productions that include:

  • Product and services videos
  • Overviews
  • Client testimonials
  • Recruitment and culture videos
  • Event announcements

How MatchPoint Studio Can Help Promote Your Company

With 30 years of video marketing experience, MatchPoint Studio produces professional custom videos for a diverse client base. To promote your specialty business, attract new customers and expand your audience, contact MatchPoint Studio for your initial meeting with an expert video marketing company.