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4 Ways To Narrow Your Search for a Marketing Videographer in Indianapolis.

When searching for the right videographer or production company to get your message across, it can be a daunting task. Many people don’t really know what they need from a video production company and just do a web search for a list of options in their location. When you search for a videographer in Indianapolis service, don’t make the mistake of narrowing your choices by price or availability. The lowest price isn’t always a guarantee of quality, and getting something done in a hurry could lead to disaster.

Why You Should Hire a Videographer in Indianapolis

Videos capture events and turn them into lasting memories. For those who want to relive a special day, such as a wedding or bar mitzvah, videographers provide a timeless chronicle of the day’s events. Companies may use video production for marketing and advertising strategies, either recording a commercial or digital advertisement. With websites and social media providing another means of connecting to a target market, a videographer provides a professional recording of your information or message.

Regardless of why you may need a videographer, your ultimate goal is to have a quality end-result that is enjoyable and engaging. This is why hiring a professional is so important. You don’t want your message or special day recorded through a standard iPhone set up on a tripod. While this can provide some decent material, you really want to select an expert in the field, both when it comes to equipment and experience. You may not want a wedding videographer handling your company’s training videos.

There is an extensive amount of time and energy that goes into high-quality video productions. It’s more than just the equipment and having the right lighting. Video production includes the accompanying details of animations, scripting, editing, location scouting, music additions and so much more. Your money should be spent to provide the best possible finished product. For a videographer in Indianapolis area, this means working with MatchPoint Studio.

How To Choose a Videographer

To get your video project done right, you need to carefully select your video production partner. Begin your search through referrals or a web search, but narrow down your choices according to the following tips.

1. Look Beyond the Estimate

Though your company may be limited by a small budget, you don’t have to sacrifice a high-end result for a small budget. It is possible to hire a qualified videographer rather inexpensively, but you should look past just the price to determine if you are getting a good deal. You may not know all of the equipment, software or components needed for good video production, but that doesn’t give you a pass on asking for more details. As the saying goes, you will get what you pay for.

Video equipment can be relatively inexpensive, and anyone can purchase a few cameras and call themselves a videographer. You need to determine a hobbyist from an expert, and this can be done by asking about the equipment used and editing features. Ask for references or a portfolio of work to verify their work, their equipment and their overall experience. A videographer and final product should reflect the same excellence and quality your company maintains.

2. Lead the Conversation

A quality videographer will spend less time talking about what he or she can hope to accomplish or past productions in order to spend more time listening to what your project is all about. Your objectives should be made clear, and a videographer will be intent on learning your company, your goals and the overall subject matter in order to direct your production to closely align with them. Meeting with the videographer will also give you a sense of the professionalism that can be expected while working together, with a videographer sharing ideas or helping brainstorm how to make the project more successful.

Avoid the production team that doesn`t want to get together for planning. The pre-production phase is one of the most critical parts of the process, as it gives the team time to make sure the storyline and environment will work. Don’t allow a team to just show up and decide to record your video. Look for a videographer that takes an active role in the planning and prep stage.

3. Legitimize Their Experience

It is easy to make claims about experience and past successes, but you need to hold a videographer accountable for any of these claims by verifying his or her work and former clients. A good marketing videographer in Indianapolis should be able to show you some samples of work that closely align with your vision or what you have asked him or her to do for your company. Though you won’t be able to get an exact match, local clients are probably reaching the same geographic location as you are, lending new relevance to work the videographer has done.

A professional videographer will have no hesitance sharing a list of references or directing you to an online portfolio. It is your interest and needs that the videographer is willing to satisfy, and happy former clients add credibility to the services. If you aren’t given any references or you notice dissatisfaction when reading client reviews, carefully reevaluate why this particular company should be selected for your project.

4. Let Your Gut Lead the Way

There is something to be said about your personal opinion or gut reaction to a videographer. You need to be comfortable with the team, so a professional videographer will demonstrate good business ethics, maintain a professional appearance, put emphasis on customer service, be punctual and treat the team with respect. If you feel something is off, have a second interview or keep looking. Don’t settle for a certain company just because the price is good.

Where To Find a Videographer in Indianapolis

There are many people touting their video production services, but you will get the best quality and experience when you work with MatchPoint Studio. With a commitment to building the best visual experience for your brand, your message can’t go wrong in the hands of the team at MatchPoint Studio. Reach out today to find out how your project can take on a whole new meaning and tell the story of your brand.